VBS 2025 T-Shirt Order Form

The Sanctuary Church | June 17 - June 20, 2025
Please complete the form below to order your official VBS 2025 T-Shirt.
All volunteers and participants are encouraged to wear the provided shirt during VBS week.

Please select your T-Shirt Size.
(Check all that apply.)

Acknowledgment for T-Shirt Payments via Givelify

By submitting this order, I acknowledge that all VBS T-Shirt payments must be made through Givelify. I will complete my payment using a separate browser or the Givelify app by selecting The Sanctuary Church as the recipient.

I will ensure that my payment is clearly labeled as “VBS T-Shirts” in the memo or notes section to ensure proper processing.

I understand that my order will not be finalized until payment is received and verified. If I have any questions regarding payment, I will contact The Sanctuary Church office at office@tscindy.org or (317) 686-1985.