The History of The Sanctuary Church of Indianapolis

On Tuesday January 8, 2002 seven individuals came together to discuss the vision and mission the Lord had given Rev. George Martin, Jr of a church to be named The Sanctuary.  Taken from Exodus 25:8 “And let them make Me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them.”  After Rev. Martin shared the vision, that night five of the six attendees decided to become the first members.  Those individuals were Cherise Gordon, Bill Gordon, Cheryl Martin, Karen Hoskins, and Glenda Edwards.  Later a meeting was held and the agenda included: proposed date and time, location, seating, order of the first service, church needs, offering envelops, and musician needs.  It was decided that the first service would be 10:30am Sunday March 3, 2002 at the former Holiday Day Inn East.

The small congregation began meeting each week on Wednesday nights for bible study and further planning in the living room of Rev. Martin.  The members began spreading the news about the first service through information pamphlets, radio announcements and mailings. The first service was well attended, more than 100 supporters were in attendance.  The decision to hold worship services in the hotel were due to a need to control cost and minimize set-up needs.  The church met four Sundays in the Holiday Inn, until a scheduling conflict with the hotel resulted in the move to the Courtyard Marriott on the downtown canal.  To better accommodate the hotel’s request, Sunday morning worship services were moved to 11:00am instead of 10:30am.  During this time the church experienced steady consistent growth; reaching a total membership of 20 members within four months of the first service.

Services were held at the Courtyard Marriott from Sunday March 31 until Sunday August 25, 2002 when the congregation moved its’ worship services to the Bethel Townhouses Community Center in the 3100 block of Baltimore Avenue.  The new location was less expensive than the hotel, and included a small office and storage space, and allowed the church to begin holding Wednesday night worship services in the same location.  During this time, TSC baptized new believers at the Berean Bible Church. By the end of the year, church membership had grown to 25, and due to the apartment complex’s need for the meeting space, planning began to move to a new location.
After a meeting with school administrators, the worship services were moved to Arlington High School in one of the large group lecture rooms on Sunday January 12, 2003.  The church continued to experience growth during this time.  From its’ inception, the church consistently saved for the possibility of purchasing a building to hold worship services.  This came to past in November 21, 2003 when The Sanctuary Church purchased a vacant church building at 2301 Brookside Avenue.  The new location provided seating capacity for 100, paved parking, a baptistery, two small offices and a space to accommodate the Children’s Church ministry.  By the end of 2003 church membership had grown to 34 with an average weekly attendance of 40.   As a thriving church, TSC continued to experience growth and reached the 100 membership mark within a few months of the move to Brookside Avenue and developed several ministries.

The young church quickly expanded and by 2007 ministry needs had out grown the Brookside building; preparation and planning began to identify a new location.  The need was fulfilled in late August one Wednesday night while at the church preparing for Bible Study Rev. Martin was lead to a building for sale located at 955 Oliver Avenue.  This building would meet all of the current ministry needs the church had at the time and would accommodate the growing and developing young church.  God’s hand was upon the entire process as TSC was able to purchase the building within one month, and on Friday October 5, 2007 the purchase was finalized.  On Sunday November 4, 2007 TSC marched into its new nearly10,000 square foot location with much excitement and appreciation for the “Great God Who Does Great Things” had done yet another great thing.

Due to expanding ministry needs, in January 2013, the TSC began looking for its’ next location.  This was fulfilled on December 18, 2013 when the details were finalized for the church campus located at 3400 N. Post Road which included 30,000 square feet of church facilities on over five acres that includes a gymnasium.

In January 2020, Rev. Martin informed the church his intent to resign as Senior Pastor of The Sanctuary Church. This resignation would be effective March 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic Pastor Martin, continued as Senior Pastor until a interim Pastor was secured. On June 28th, Pastor Martin delivered his last sermon as Senior Pastor before embarking a on new journey as Senior Pastor-Elect of Amity Bible Church. On June 30th, Bishop Stephen L. Wilson, Sr accepted the position as Interim Pastor as TSC continued searching for it's new Senior Pastor.  Over the next eight month, the Pastoral search committee continued to vet applicants who would be narrowed down to two finalist. These finalist would be presented before the body for consideration.  Although the committee narrowed down to two finalist, due to unforeseen circumstances one of the candidates passed away. This left the committee to have no other choose but to come back into session and find another applicant who would become a finalist. 

Since its’ humble beginnings, TSC has experienced an abundance of God’s blessing and favor. The church has now grown to more than 400 members with an average weekly attendance of 175.  Many souls have been saved and many lives are being transformed at “The Sanctuary”.   The church continues to grow and develop.